020 3590 6976 info@cocoonhub.com

Key Services

Reach your optimal performance with our coaching programmes

We have Adapted our key offerings to our rapidly changing work and personal environments with the soul aim of enhancing the health of you, your family, your workforce and your business.

1-1 coaching and training:

We have introduced remote and virtual coaching and training as well as in-person sessions. During our initial discussion we will gain a greater understanding of you as a person and what is most important to you personally. We then form an action plan that will focus on one or more of our services, below, to ensure you get your desired results.

Weight Loss and Management coaching

Whatever your stage of life and personal circumstances it is possible, with the right tools, guidance and self belief to achieve your target weight. Our coaches and trainers are experts at balancing the demands of work and life around a realistic activity and nutrition plan that will get you to your desired weight and crucially maintain this long-term. We will break down what can seem a daunting task into realistic short term goals and help you form and keep the habits that will get you to your target weight. Changes and modifications will have to be made and our coaches will be there at every step to stoke your motivation and desire to achieve your goal.

Mental Health coaching

Mental Health is more important than ever and we are seeing a substantial rise in mind related disorders such as stress and depression. Mental Health is at the forefront of our coaching and training and we implement the latest research and findings into our programmes and initiatives. Our coaches will work closely with you to overcome the obstacles and challenges that are creating negative thoughts and feelings in your life. Our support and guidance will help you create a vision for your future that is fulfilling and achievable.

Nutrition coaching

Good nutrition is essential to optimal health and performance and is the backbone of weight management. Many ailments can be helped and in some cases cured through changes in your eating and drinking habits. Our coaches will work with you closely to find the right balance in your diet and help you implement changes and develop the habits that will result in success. We also ensure that you feel satisfied and actually look forward to food on a daily basis- fad diets rarely result in long term results. We have a comprehensive network of nutritional specialists if you have a specific medical condition or issue.

Mental Health First Aid

We provide highly engaging and practical Mental Health First Aid training for key members of your business or team to help staff who are experiencing problems and ensure they get the help and support they need. Our workshops run for 1-4 days and can accommodate up to 16 people. Teaching can be virtual or class-room based or a combination.

Performance coaching

How you ‘perform’ over a day, a week and ultimately your life will define your health, energy, relationships and happiness. We use the Cocoon Health matrix and 9S model to help you discover what goals have the most meaning and value to you personally. We then look at short, medium and long term strategies to get you firmly on the right path to the point of success and achievement. This is an evolving process and our coaches will support and advise you at every stage of your journey.

Strength and conditioning training

A healthy body is essential for a healthy mind, therefore we have a full range of strength and conditioning trainers and coaches that will work with you closely to ensure you have the right plan and structure to achieve your health and fitness goals. We look closely at the 5S’s to ensure you have balance in your programme. Our trainers have expertise in the following broad areas of practice:

• Yoga
• Pilates
• Body weight conditioning
• Weight training
• Endurance training
• Specific conditioning for sport

Group training and coaching

We are experts in the design and integration of bespoke group sessions, ranging from 2- 100 people, for your family, group or business based on your needs.

Small group training

This will typically involve between 3 and 10 people. This keeps the attention and focus of the session and allows the trainer to communicate with each person regarding form and technique. Sessions can be tailored to the group and involve any combination of HIT, LIT, nutrition and performance coaching.

Large group training

These sessions typically involve 10-100 and whilst less personal are highly effective for larger organisations looking to offer a set- piece session (Yoga or bodyweight HIT for example) and a degree of difficulty (beginner/intermediate/ advanced). The sessions can be broadcast virtually across multiple offices and countries and recordings can be provided.

High Intensity Training (HIT)

We offer a range of circuit training options and bodyweight routines conducted in a manner to raise heart rate and work your full body musculature.

Low Intensity Training (LIT)

We offer Yoga, Pilates , Calisthenics and meditation classes as well as bespoke classes for rehabilitation and postural correction.

Audio coaching

Group sessions with all participants doing an outside activity, typically walking or jogging, with specific goals and challenges. These sessions are particularly valuable for mental health as people are spending more time than ever indoors to the detriment of their senses, which impacts mental wellbeing.

Wellbeing initiatives

We have successfully implemented a range of initiatives including RunReady, JustMove, CoreCare, BodyfatBlitz and FamilyFit. This can be company wide, team targeted or management specific. They range in length from 3- 12 months and can be tailored specifically to your needs and requirements. Our initiatives have been particularly impactful during the pandemic where WFH has been prevalent. Our long term surveys, (post- initiative) have clearly shown a change in individual habits which has lead to a healthier company culture. Please click HERE for a recent case study.


We work with the leading technology in biometric analysis to give real-time accurate data to look at how individuals are functioning on a physiological level (including stress response, sleep and recovery) and to corroborate the impact of our programmes. We are particularly interested in the long-term measurement of Heart Rate Variability (HRV) amongst our clients; there has been huge interest in this physiological phenomena and if measured correctly is a powerful metric in helping our clients achieve optimal health.

Gym design and equipment sourcing

Whatever your situation it is imperative that you have the right environment and equipment at your disposal, actively ‘willing’ you to exercise! We have consulted on the build and fit out of fitness spaces from large corporate gyms to home starter packs. Whatever your budget and space constraints we have a solution for you that is flexible, functional and effective.

Cocoon Lab

This is the experimental arm of the business where we will put together unique concepts and initiatives then test and match with the appropriate clients. A full report is then created and sent for validation and if successful, replicated in other businesses.

For more information or to get yourself registered complete the below form:

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“Cocoon Health has helped me achieve my physical goals whilst balancing the demands of running a business. We have used Cocoon Health principles and practices to help our workforce and business achieve better health. I could not recommend them more!”

Andrew Ross l CEO
Cazenvove Capital


  • UNTIL Liverpool Street, 280 Bishops Square, London EC2M 4RB
  • UNTIL Marylebone, 1 Orchard Street, London W1H 6HJ
  • UNTIL Soho, 111 Charing Cross Road, London WC2H 0DT

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07990 97 74 69